Running during analysis of an existing analyser =============================================== Implementing analyser level extensions -------------------------------------- An analyser level extension is a subclass of one of : * :class:`cast.analysers.jee.Extension` * :class:`cast.analysers.dotnet.Extension` * :class:`cast.analysers.abap.Extension` * :class:`` Any number of extension can be registered in a plugin.:: def MyExtension(cast.analysers.jee.Extension): pass CAIP creates a python object of that class. The class is meant to override the methods of its base class (called extension points). Those methods will be called during analysis following a predictible sequence. Each technology has its own sequence diagram. The order of the declared methods in :class:`cast.analysers.jee.Extension` or :class:`cast.analysers.dotnet.Extension` gives the order in which they will be called. Accessing analysis options -------------------------- The start_analysis extension point have a :class:`cast.analysers.ExecutionUnit` parameter. This gives a plugin the opportunity to perform discovering operations on analysed source projects (csproj, vcproj, pom.xml, etc..) or on analysed files.:: class MyExtension(cast.analysers.dotnet.Extension): def start_analysis(self, options): # retreive the pathes of the analysed csproj projects = options.get_source_projects() # we can scan those projects file to retreive some dependencies ... Listening to analysis results ----------------------------- Each extension point provides a context through the form of an analysis object. It is generally the visited element : a file, a type, etc... For example :func:`cast.analysers.jee.Extension.start_type` has the visited type as a context. See documentation for the type of the contextual parameters.:: def MyExtension(cast.analysers.jee.Extension): def start_type(self, type): # inspect type object to see if it inherits from class com.yourcompany.Root for parent in type.get_inherited_types(): if parent.get_fullname() == 'com.yourcompany.Root': # perform specific action # ... Three types of analysis objects ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Analysis objects produced by the underlying analyser inherit from :class:`cast.analysers.Object`. As an additional input, an analysis may have external objects. These generally are database objects comming from a previous database analysis. These objects inherit from :class:`cast.analysers.ExternalObject`. The third type of objects are the one produced by a plugin, these objects inherit from :class:`cast.analysers.CustomObject`. These three types of objects are separated. Producing analysis results -------------------------- Creating objects ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Class :class:`cast.analysers.CustomObject` allows to create additional objects : * create a python object of that class * set the name * set the parent * set the type : the name of a metamodel type. * finally call :func:`` Example:: object = cast.analysers.CustomObject() object.set_name('AJavaClass') object.set_type('JV_CLASS') object.set_parent(file) The parent can be a object of class :class:`cast.analysers.Object` or :class:`cast.analysers.CustomObject`. In that latter case the parent object must have been previously saved. full_name and guid are automatically calculated but can also be user set. Once saved the name, type and parrent cannot be changed. If an object is not saved it will not be visible in the analysis service. .. note:: Those objects cannot be seen from host analyser. Even if you create Java classes during a Java analysis those classes will not interfere with the classical java analysis. Creating links ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Function :func:`cast.analysers.create_link` allows to create links betwwen objects. Links can be created between analysis objects, custom objects and to external objects. Adding properties on objects ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Object can be decorated by additionnal integer or textual properties through the use of : :func:`cast.analysers.Object.save_property`. The property names can be found in the metamodel. A property name is *.* For example:: My description This property name is : *MyCategory.myProperty*. Note that this property must have correct ``INF_TYPE`` and ``INF_SUB_TYPE`` and be present by inheritance on the types of objects you whant to decorate. Creating violations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A violation is the occurence of a problem for a quality rule. Call :func:`cast.analysers.Object.save_violation` to add a violation on an analysis object and :func:`cast.analysers.CustomObject.save_violation` t oadd violation on custom objects. You will need a metamodel property defined on that object type, it will identify the violation and count the number of problem that were detected on that object. The position indicate the source code location where the problem is detected. Additional positions may be provided in order to explain the violation. As an example, consider the rule : *Method override fails due to mismatch of const/volatile qualifiers*: * the first bookmark is the failing method override * the additional bookmark is the not overrided method Most of the time you will not need additional positions. Note that for a given rule any number of violations can be saved on the same object. The number of violations saved on a object should reflect the number of occurence of the problem encountered and thus the effort to correct each of them. Logging ^^^^^^^ Use : * :func:`` for sending information messages to the log * :func:`cast.analysers.log.warning` for sending warning messages to the log * :func:`cast.analysers.log.debug` for debugging messages Note that you should not log message for fun. Logging information only serve for saying 'I am still alive'. Logging warning should be used to indicate an issue in the analysis configuration. But in the case of plugins it should be very rare. Most of the time you will need debug log to help development of plugin. Sending custom events to other plugins -------------------------------------- A plugin can broadcast a custom event to other plugins. On the broadcaster plugin side, for a plugin named `` :: class MyExtension(dotnet.Extension): def start_type(self, _class): # will broadcast an event to other plugins self.broadcast('custom_event', _class) On the listening plugin side, `` :: class MyExtension(dotnet.Extension): @cast.Event('', 'custom_event') def foo(self, _class): # will be called by the broadcast above self.broadcast('foo', _class) This technique introduces a kind of dependency between `` and ``. But if one of those plugin is not present, nothing happens. Unicode support --------------- All strings manipulated are utf-8 strings. In that we follow the rcommendation from `UTF-8 Everywhere `_. User is responsible for coding in a way that respects this principle. Python modularity ----------------- The plugin code can be organised in different python files. Plugin directory is de facto inside the python search path. This even allow to include third party python libraries that you can put in the plugin directory. Defining custom Metamodel ------------------------- A plugin folder may also contain metamodel files. Those files must be named : ``XXXMetaModel.xml`` and put under a subfolder ``Configuration\\xxxMetaModel.xml``. Defining custom types ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A custom metamodel will often contains new object types to be produced. One simple way to have a custom type visible in enlighten one can inherit from category CAST_PluginObject. Handling errors --------------- Python overuses exception for handling errors. Provided API will raise exceptions when a constraint is not met. If an extension point method raise an exception it will be catched by the analyser, a warning message will be logged and analysis will continue. Thius you can safely choose not to hanlde exception at all except if wanted. IDE --- A complete itegrated development environment is provided based on `eclipse `_ and `PyDev plugin `_. See :doc:`install` for installation and configuration of that IDE. It provides : * python source code editor with code completion and cross references * a debugger * tools for running analysis outside of Management Studio : **no need for any installed Management Base nor Analysis service** * plugins can be tested and develop in a more rapid way * plugin developper can write unit tests * sanity checks are performed, for example if the plugin is ill formed the run will fail * custom metamodel is validated without need for analysis service This IDE combined with unit testing is clearly a time saver. We can only strongly recommend that you use it. Testing ^^^^^^^ Follow my advice : **test, test, test**. Developping analysis tool is hard, time consuming and heavilly error prone. It is very hard to plan ahead all analysed code possibilities. A plugin working on some sample projects will probably fail on others. Writing unit tests will ensure that a plugin still runs on cases where you invested your effort. Without unit testing, correcting one **new case** could silently break **cases working in previous version**. Anatomy of unit test ++++++++++++++++++++ Use `unittest `_ python module. Basic usage is simple : * a class inheriting from `unittest.TestCase `_ * with one method per test Those test methods will have the same structure : * create and configure an analysis with options * run the analysis : the currently tested plugin will be launched * finally assert some expected facts about created objects, created links and properties Sample:: import unittest import cast.analysers.test import cast.analysers.filter class Test(unittest.TestCase): def test_check_inheritance_link(self): # create a DotNet analysis analysis = cast.analysers.test.DotNetTestAnalysis() # DotNet need a selection of a csproj or sln analysis.add_selection('AProject/AProject.csproj') # activate log analysis.set_verbose() # run analysis # perform some checks my_class = analysis.get_object_by_name('AClass',cast.analysers.filter.classes) object_class = analysis.get_object_by_fullname('System.Object', cast.analysers.filter.classes) link = analysis.get_link_by_caller_callee('link', my_class, object_class) self.assertTrue(link) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main() Asserting expected results ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Once the analysis ran, results can be checked. Analysis Service is emulated and query functions are provided : * :func:`cast.analysers.test.TestAnalysis.get_object_by_name` will retreive an object by name and object kind * :func:`cast.analysers.test.TestAnalysis.get_link_by_caller_callee` will retreive a link between two previously retreived objects Other functions exists for more complex queries. .. note:: Query functions that returns one single object will always fail if several objects meet the filtering criterium. Otherwise tests tend to be purelly random. As an example : one want to assert existence of a link between two objects : this can be assert as following : self.assertTrue(analysis.get_link_by_caller_callee('link', caller, callee)) but if several links are created betweeen those two objects, test will fail with an exception. In order to circonvein that limit either - do more specialised tests, for example by specifying a more precise link type - or use get_links_by_caller_callee and be less precise. Beware though, you may expose to some deceipts. Some classical usefull object kinds are provided in :mod:`cast.analysers.filter`. But any string naming a valid metamodel category or type is allowed. The general idea is to assert that : * some object exists * some link exists Which will exactly define the plugin behaviour. Analysed source code sample can be directly put under the directory/package of tests. They can also be created as temporary files and selected for analysis. You can provide input to external link module by using :func:`cast.analysers.test.TestAnalysis.add_database_table`. This method returns the table object that you can use latter on to check presence of links to that table. Sample, asserting links to database tables:: import unittest import cast.analysers.test import cast.analysers.filter class Test(unittest.TestCase): def test_integration(self): analysis = cast.analysers.test.DotNetTestAnalysis() analysis.add_selection('ContosoUniversity\DotNet\ContosoUniversity\ContosoUniversity.csproj') #course is the table course = analysis.add_database_table('Course','TSQL') class_course = analysis.get_object_by_name('Course', cast.analysers.filter.classes) # we have alink between class 'Course' and table 'Course' self.assertTrue(analysis.get_link_by_caller_callee('useSelectLink', class_course, course)) Location for tests ++++++++++++++++++ In order to correctly run and automatically detect the plugin tests must reside in a python sub package of the plugin. Debugging ^^^^^^^^^ 1. Start the remote pydev debugger : 2. Put your breakpoints 3. Go to your unit tests file and press ``F11`` or debug it as python unit-test .. note:: Selecting other locations than the unit test code will not work.