Deploying plugins ***************** How to deploy a plugin into CAIP version >= 8.0.0 ================================================= Copy the plugin folder into : ``%ALLUSERSPROFILE%/CAST/CAST/Extensions`` You may also redefine the variable ``CAST_PLUGINS_ROOT_PATH`` in ``CastGlobalSettings.ini`` for replacing ``%ALLUSERSPROFILE%/CAST/CAST/Extensions`` by a custom location. .. note:: During the development phase, the best way to go is to have the ecplise project pointing to the deployed plugin. .. figure:: deploy800.png :align: center Result of a correct deploy. .. note:: Deploying the tests folder is 'optional'. Then activate the plugin for a combined install though servman 'Manage Extensions'. Run CAIP as usual, you should see the log messages during anlysis. How to deploy a plugin into CAIP version <= 8.0.0 ================================================= Before 8.0.0, the deploy/servman phase is different. Copy the plugin folder into : ``/CustomPlugins``; create the folder if needed. After deploying some plugin this should give something like : .. figure:: deploy.png :align: center Result of a correct deploy. Then, if your plugin contains Metamodel or InstallScript components go to servman and perform 'Component Reinstall'.