.. CAST Extension SDK documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Fri Apr 11 10:14:52 2014. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. CAST Extension SDK's documentation ********************************** CAST Extension SDK is a tool to write extensions for CAIP. First steps =========== :doc:`overview` New to developping plugins with CAST Extension SDK? :doc:`install` Instructions on how to install the **Development environment**. :doc:`my_first_plugin` Instructions on how to create a first plugin. :doc:`deployment` Once plugins are developped they can be deployed in CAIP. References ========== Main reference :doc:`manual` Plugin structure. :doc:`analyser_level` Use callbacks :doc:`application_level` Run on the knowledge base to produce global information. :doc:`data_exchange` Exchanging data between analyser level and application level. More details :doc:`analysers_specif` Analyser level specific callbacks and analysis options access. :doc:`mainframe` Mainframe analyser level specifics. :doc:`html5` HTML5/Javascript analyser level specifics. :doc:`python` Python analyser level specifics. :doc:`roslyn` Writting quality rules based on AST in Dotnet analyser. :doc:`debugging` Instructions on how to debug plugins from development environment. :doc:`writing_quality_rule` Writting quality rules. :doc:`code_reference` API for accessing objects, on existing extension points and on testing API. :doc:`version_compatibility` Features/bugs versus CAIP versions. :doc:`tips_and_tricks` Various tips. Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. toctree:: :hidden: overview install my_first_plugin deployment manual analyser_level application_level data_exchange analysers_specif mainframe html5 python roslyn debugging writing_quality_rule code_reference version_compatibility tips_and_tricks