Installation ************ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 This section explains how to install and configure the IDE for CAST Extension SDK. This IDE is based on `eclipse `_. .. note:: The python interpretor is directly bundled in the CAIP install directory so **you must not install python**. Installing eclipse + pydev ========================== 1. `Install eclipse `_ 2. Install `PyDev plugin `_. Read carefully the installtion manual, you may need a recent java jre. 3. Run eclipe and check that you can see the Pydev eclipse plugin Some other eclipse components may prove usefull : * Eclipse XML Editors and Tools for metamodel edition Configuration of eclipse ======================== The PyDev eclipse plugin need to be configured in order to point to the python environment provided by CAIP. Open your eclipse and go to ``Window > Preferences > PyDev > Interpreters > Python Interpreter`` and create a new interpreter. Name it according to your CAIP version (eg 8.0.0) and select the path to the python provided in the CAIP install dir ``\ThirdParty\Python34\python.exe``. .. note:: Note that you will be able to add as many interpreters you want so that you can test your extension against several CAIP versions. .. warning:: Pydev has 3 *interperter* configurations. The one we are using is **Python Interpreter**. You should get something like that: .. figure:: config_interpreter.png :align: center Select the interpreter from the CAIP install directory. You are now ready to create your first plugin. .. note:: You can choose another name for the interpreter when importing sample project will require to change interpreter configuration in order to work.