Python Analyser specificities ***************************** .. note:: This documentation applies to CAIP >= 8.3.x and com.castsoftware.python >= 1.4.0-beta2. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 5 HowTo ===== Create your own UA extension, then react to the "add_quality_rules" event received from Python extension. With this event, you can send any interpreters of your choice, which will be used by the extension. These interpreters will have "start_XXX" and/or "end_XXX" methods where XXX is the *ast* node type you are interested in. They can also have also a "finish" method that is called after all python files have been analyzed. Sample of UA extension code :: import from cast import Event from cast.analysers import log from interpreters import Interpreter1, Interpreter2 class CustomPythonDiag( @Event('com.castsoftware.python', 'add_quality_rules') def add_quality_rules(self, externalQualityRules): # Add the interpreters externalQualityRules.add_interpreter(Interpreter1, self.get_plugin()) externalQualityRules.add_interpreter(Interpreter2, self.get_plugin()) ... Sample of a simple interpreter code :: class Interpreter: def __init__(self): pass def start_MethodCall(self, ast): ... def end_MethodCall(self, ast): ... def start_XXX(self, ast): ... def end_XXX(self, ast): ... ... A complete sample is available here: :ref:`starter-kit`. Python ast node types ===================== Here we present the main classes and methods that form the API to exploit the information contained in the abstract syntax tree (AST) of a python file. Basic elements -------------- The AST returned by the Python analyzer is composed of nodes (Node type) and tokens (Token type). Tokens are the most basic elements. All nodes do contain sub-items (other sub-nodes and tokens). In some specific contexts one might not distinguish between nodes and tokens as they are treaded similarly. All nodes inherit direcly or indirectly from *light_parser.Node*. Some nodes might inherit from some generic intermediate classes (*Statement*, *BlockStatement*, *Term*) used internally for parsing purposes. The character of the node (expression vs statement) is loosely correlated to the the name of these clases for certain nodes. These intermediate classes do not contribute to the API. .. autoclass:: light_parser.Token .. method:: get_begin_line() :return: the ast node begin line :rtype: int .. method:: get_begin_column() :return: the ast node begin column :rtype: int .. method:: get_end_line() :return: the ast node end line :rtype: int .. method:: get_end_column() :return: the ast node end column :rtype: int .. method:: get_type() :return: the name of the token type :rtype: str .. method:: get_children() Convenient method to comply with 'light_parser.Node' interface. :return: empty list .. method:: get_sub_nodes() Convenient method to comply with 'light_parser.Node' interface. :return: empty list .. method:: __eq__(self, other): Equality. Can compare to text directly. (case insensitive). .. autoclass:: light_parser.Node :members: get_type, get_sub_nodes, get_children, print_tree :undoc-members: .. method:: get_begin_line() :return: the ast node begin line :rtype: int .. method:: get_begin_column() :return: the ast node begin column :rtype: int .. method:: get_end_line() :return: the ast node end line :rtype: int .. method:: get_end_column() :return: the ast node end column :rtype: int .. method:: get_type() :return: the name of the node :rtype: str The following intermediate classes inherit from Node, but do not contribute to the API. .. class:: light_parser.Statement .. class:: light_parser.BlockStatement .. class:: light_parser.Term Base classes ------------ The classes below conveniently factorize common code among certain type of nodes. These are not explicit nodes of the AST. .. The choice of keeping these classes separated in different sections from .. sub-classes is to avoid confusion in the reader about expected nodes .. in the AST. Note that having the link to the base classes renders the .. navigation between sections straightforward. .. autoclass:: python_parser.PythonStatement :members: :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: python_parser.PythonBlockStatement :members: :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: python_parser.WithDocString :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: get_header_comments, get_body_comments .. autoclass:: python_parser.WithExpression :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: get_header_comments, get_body_comments .. autoclass:: python_parser.PythonSimpleStatement :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: get_header_comments, get_body_comments .. autoclass:: python_parser.Class :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: on_end .. autoclass:: python_parser.While :exclude-members: on_end .. autoclass:: python_parser.With :exclude-members: on_end Statements ---------- Definition statements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: python_parser.ClassBlock :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: python_parser.ClassOneLine :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: python_parser.FunctionBlock :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: python_parser.FunctionOneLine :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: python_parser.Global .. autoclass:: python_parser.NonLocal Simple statements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autoclass:: python_parser.ExpressionStatement :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: begin, end, consume_end, on_end .. autoclass:: python_parser.Import :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: begin, end, consume_end, on_end .. autoclass:: python_parser.Return :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: begin, end, consume_end, on_end .. autoclass:: python_parser.Yield :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: begin, end, consume_end, on_end .. autoclass:: python_parser.YieldFrom :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: begin, end, consume_end, on_end .. autoclass:: python_parser.Await :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: begin, end, consume_end, on_end .. autoclass:: python_parser.Delete :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: begin, end, consume_end, on_end .. autoclass:: python_parser.Break :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: begin, end, consume_end, on_end .. autoclass:: python_parser.Continue :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: begin, end, consume_end, on_end .. autoclass:: python_parser.Raise :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: begin, end, consume_end, on_end .. autoclass:: python_parser.Print :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: begin, end, consume_end, on_end .. autoclass:: python_parser.Exec :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: begin, end, consume_end, on_end .. autoclass:: python_parser.Assert :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: begin, end, consume_end, on_end .. autoclass:: python_parser.Pass :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: begin, end, consume_end, on_end .. autoclass:: python_parser.EllipsisObject :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: begin, end, consume_end, on_end Block statements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Statements containing other statements. .. autoclass:: python_parser.ForBlock :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: begin, end, consume_end, on_end .. autoclass:: python_parser.ForOneLine :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: begin, end, consume_end, on_end .. autoclass:: python_parser.WhileBlock :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: begin, end, consume_end, on_end .. autoclass:: python_parser.WhileOneLine :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: begin, end, consume_end, on_end .. autoclass:: python_parser.TryBlock :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: begin, end, consume_end, on_end .. autoclass:: python_parser.TryOneLine :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: begin, end, consume_end, on_end, get_statements .. autoclass:: python_parser.ExceptBlock :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: begin, end, consume_end, on_end .. autoclass:: python_parser.ExceptOneLine :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: begin, end, consume_end, on_end .. autoclass:: python_parser.WithBlock :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: begin, end, consume_end, on_end .. autoclass:: python_parser.WithOneLine :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: begin, end, consume_end, on_end .. autoclass:: python_parser.FinallyBlock :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: begin, end, consume_end, on_end .. autoclass:: python_parser.FinallyOneLine :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: begin, end, consume_end, on_end .. autoclass:: python_parser.IfThenElseBlock :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: begin, end, consume_end, on_end .. autoclass:: python_parser.IfThenElseOneLine :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: begin, end, consume_end, on_end Expressions ----------- .. autoclass:: python_parser.Identifier :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: python_parser.BinaryOperation :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: python_parser.Assignment :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: get_assigned_expressions .. autoclass:: python_parser.Decorators :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: begin, end, consume_end, on_end .. autoclass:: python_parser.Unpacking :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: python_parser.Constant :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: string_marks .. autoclass:: python_parser.DotAccess :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: python_parser.ArrayAccess :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: python_parser.MethodCall :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: has_signature_of .. autoclass:: python_parser.Array :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: python_parser.ComprehensionLoop :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: python_parser.ComprehensionFor :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: python_parser.Map :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: python_parser.Lambda :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: python_parser.LambdaParameters :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: python_parser.Unary :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: python_parser.UnaryNot :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: python_parser.AdditionExpression :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: python_parser.StringInterpolation :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: python_parser.IfTernaryExpression :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: python_parser.ExpressionList :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: Other structural nodes ---------------------- .. autoclass:: python_parser.Parenthesis .. autoclass:: python_parser.SquareBracketedBlock .. autoclass:: python_parser.BracketedBlock .. autoclass:: python_parser.IndentBlock Symbols ======= Symbols closely represent the structure of metamodel objects, among other functionalities. They are also used for resolution purposes for certain nodes. .. autoclass:: symbols.Symbol :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: add_import, get_code_only_crc, get_final_guid, clean_ast, save, save_violations, save_candidate_violations, create_symbols, update_symbols, get_kb_object, get_header_comments_line_count, get_body_comments_line_count, get_line_count, get_header_comments, get_body_comments, get_imports, get_decorators, get_imported_symbols .. autoclass:: symbols.Module :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: light_parse, resolve_globals, set_imports_resolved, has_imports_resolved, fully_parse, get_variable, get_library, is_analysed, get_text, create_symbols, get_resource_services, add_server_operation, get_server_operations, add_db_query, add_resource_service, add_db_file_query, add_sqlalchemy_reference, add_external_call, get_db_queries, get_db_file_queries, get_sqlalchemy_references, get_external_calls, update_calling_asts, save_main, save_external_calls, save_links, save_services, save_operations, save_db_queries, save_db_file_queries, save_db_sqlalchemy_references .. autoclass:: symbols.Class :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: add_member, declare_member, get_return_type .. autoclass:: symbols.Function :show-inheritance: :members: :undoc-members: :exclude-members: add_caller, remove_caller, get_return_type Writing tests ============= Sample of a test :: import unittest import cast.analysers.test import class Test(unittest.TestCase): def test_ok1(self): analysis = cast.analysers.test.UATestAnalysis('PYTHON') # set Python language analysis.add_selection('test1') analysis.add_dependency(r'C:\ProgramData\CAST\CAST\Extensions\com.castsoftware.python.1.4.0-beta2') f = analysis.get_object_by_name('f', 'CAST_Python_Function') self.assertTrue(f) value = f.get_value('CAST_Python_Rule.AvoidUsingInvalidObjectsInAll') self.assertEqual('1', value) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() .. note:: You need to add a dependency by absolute path or relative to the folder containing com.castsoftware.python, for example :: analysis.add_dependency(r'C:\ProgramData\CAST\CAST\Extensions\com.castsoftware.python.1.4.0-beta2') For that you need to have downloaded the extension through CAST ExtensionDowloader: see .. _Python_categories: Categories and types for quality rules ====================================== For adding a quality rule use the following categories * Category `CAST_Python_Rule` (for artifacts), `CAST_Python_ClassRule` (only for classes). .. _Python_scopes: Quality rule scopes =================== Available basic quality rule scopes are : +---------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1021000 | Callable Python artifacts (includes functions methods and modules) | +---------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1021008 | Python Functions (includes functions and methods) | +---------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1021011 | Python Classes | +---------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1021012 | Python Modules | +---------+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ Python technologies =================== Values for technology to be used in IMPLTechnologies.xml for filter value +--------+---------+ | Python | 1021000 | +--------+---------+