This section explains how to install and configure the IDE for CAST Extension SDK.
This IDE is based on eclipse.
The python interpretor is directly bundled in the CAIP install directory so you must not install python.
Installing eclipse + pydev¶
- Install eclipse
- Install PyDev plugin. Read carefully the installtion manual, you may need a recent java jre.
- Run eclipe and check that you can see the Pydev eclipse plugin
Some other eclipse components may prove usefull :
- Eclipse XML Editors and Tools for metamodel edition
Configuration of eclipse¶
The PyDev eclipse plugin need to be configured in order to point to the python environment provided by CAIP.
Open your eclipse and go to Window > Preferences > PyDev > Interpreters > Python Interpreter and create a new interpreter.
Name it according to your CAIP version (eg 8.0.0) and select the path to the python provided in the CAIP install dir <CAIP install dir>\ThirdParty\Python34\python.exe.
Note that you will be able to add as many interpreters you want so that you can test your extension against several CAIP versions.
Pydev has 3 interperter configurations. The one we are using is Python Interpreter.
You should get something like that:

Select the interpreter from the CAIP install directory.
You are now ready to create your first plugin.
You can choose another name for the interpreter when importing sample project will require to change interpreter configuration in order to work.