Mainframe Analyser specificities¶
This documentation applies to CAIP >= 8.3.26 and com.castsoftware.mainframe >= 1.0.3-funcrel.
A complete sample can be found here : Starter kits.
Mainframe Extension¶
- class cast.analysers.mainframe.Extension¶
Extension points for Mainframe analyzer.
Equivalence tree events¶
Extensions receive a tree though depth first traversal events start_<node> end_<node>.
Compatibility over time¶
The AST is a partial one. What is guaranteed is - the relative order of events - the number of occurrences of a node type under a given node
But we can add new nodes under a node. It means that in a future version we can add intermediate nodes or nodes with new kind.
Accessing sub nodes¶
You can use cast.analyzers.mainframe.UnsavedObject.get_sub_nodes() that will resist future AST changes.
Dumping AST¶
For debugging purpose one can log the AST of a section, paragraph, statement the following way:
from cast.analysers import log, mainframe # @UnresolvedImport
def display_node(node, indent=0):
Display the AST node in the log for debugging.
Do not work at top level (for program).
text = ' '*indent + node.get_kind()
name = node.get_name()
if name:
text += ' ' + name
text += ' ' + str(node.get_value())
text += ' line ' + str(node.get_position().get_begin_line()) + ' -> ' + str(node.get_position().get_end_line())
for child in node.get_children():
display_node(child, indent+2)
class MyExtension(mainframe.Extension):
def start_paragraph(self, node):
# display the content of the paragraph
Global events¶
COBOL Program¶
- class cast.analysers.mainframe.Extension
Extension points for Mainframe analyzer.
- start_program(program)¶
Called at the beginning of analysis of a program
Parameters: program (cast.analysers.mainframe.Program) – the program
- end_program(program)¶
Called at the end of analysis of a program
Parameters: program (cast.analysers.mainframe.Program) – the program
- start_program_id(program)¶
Called on a node PROGRAM-ID.
Parameters: program (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.1-funcrel.
- end_program_id(program)¶
Called on a node PROGRAM-ID.
Parameters: program (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.1-funcrel.
- start_function(node)¶
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.4.0-beta3.
- end_function(node)¶
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.4.0-beta3.
- start_function_id(function)¶
Called on a node FUNCTION-ID.
Parameters: function (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node Function name is available through function.get_name()
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.5-funcrel.
- end_function_id(function)¶
Called on a node FUNCTION-ID.
Parameters: function (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node Function name is available through function.get_name()
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.5-funcrel.
- start_end_of_line_comment(node)¶
Comment at end of line *> ... // ...
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- end_end_of_line_comment(node)¶
Comment at end of line *> ... // ...
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- start_nested_program(program)¶
Called at the beginning of analysis of a nested program
Parameters: program (cast.analysers.mainframe.SavedObject) – the program New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- end_nested_program(program)¶
Called at the end of analysis of a nested program
Parameters: program (cast.analysers.mainframe.SavedObject) – the program New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- start_division(division)¶
Called at the beginning of analysis of a COBOL division
Parameters: division (cast.analysers.BaseObject) – the division
- end_division(division)¶
Called at the end of analysis of a COBOL division
Parameters: division (cast.analysers.BaseObject) – the division
- start_section(section)¶
Called at the beginning of analysis of a section
Parameters: division (cast.analysers.BaseObject) – the section
- end_section(section)¶
Called at the end of analysis of a section
Parameters: division (cast.analysers.BaseObject) – the section
- start_paragraph(paragraph)¶
Called at the beginning of analysis of a paragraph
Parameters: division (cast.analysers.BaseObject) – the paragraph
- end_paragraph(paragraph)¶
Called at the end of analysis of a paragraph
Parameters: division (cast.analysers.BaseObject) – the paragraph
Environment division¶
- class cast.analysers.mainframe.Extension
Extension points for Mainframe analyzer.
- start_with_debugging_mode(node)¶
Parameters: add (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- end_with_debugging_mode(node)¶
Parameters: add (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- start_select(node)¶
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- end_select(node)¶
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- start_assign_to(node)¶
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- end_assign_to(node)¶
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- start_file_status(node)¶
SELECT ... FILE STATUS identifier
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- end_file_status(node)¶
SELECT ... FILE STATUS identifier
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- start_external_file_name(node)¶
SELECT ... ASSIGN TO external_fine_name
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- end_external_file_name(node)¶
SELECT ... ASSIGN TO external_fine_name
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- start_organization_is_relative(node)¶
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- end_organization_is_relative(node)¶
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- start_organization_is_indexed(node)¶
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- end_organization_is_indexed(node)¶
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- start_organization_is_sequential(node)¶
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- end_organization_is_sequential(node)¶
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- start_decimal_point_is_comma(node)¶
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.25-funcrel.
- end_decimal_point_is_comma(node)¶
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.25-funcrel.
- start_function_intrinsic(node)¶
- REPOSITORY paragraph.
- FUNCTION specifier INTRINSIC clause.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha2.
- end_function_intrinsic(node)¶
- REPOSITORY paragraph.
- FUNCTION specifier INTRINSIC clause.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha2.
>>JAVA-SHAREABLE OFF compilation directive
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-funcrel.
>>JAVA-SHAREABLE OFF compilation directive
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-funcrel.
>>JAVA-SHAREABLE ON compilation directive
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-funcrel.
>>JAVA-SHAREABLE ON compilation directive
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-funcrel.
- start_java_callable(node)¶
>>JAVA-CALLABLE compilation directive
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-funcrel.
- end_java_callable(node)¶
>>JAVA-CALLABLE compilation directive
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-funcrel.
- start_data_31bit(node)¶
>>DATA 31 directive
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-funcrel.
- end_data_31bit(node)¶
>>DATA 31 directive
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-funcrel.
- start_data_64bit(node)¶
>>DATA 64 directive
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-funcrel.
- end_data_64bit(node)¶
>>DATA 64 directive
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-funcrel.
- start_function_user_defined(node)¶
- REPOSITORY paragraph.
- FUNCTION user defined function.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-funcrel.
- end_function_user_defined(node)¶
- REPOSITORY paragraph.
- FUNCTION user defined function.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-funcrel.
Data division¶
- class cast.analysers.mainframe.Extension
Extension points for Mainframe analyzer.
- start_file_description(fd)¶
FD ...
Parameters: fd (cast.analysers.mainframe.SavedObject) – the node @type fd:SavedObject
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- end_file_description(fd)¶
FD ...
Parameters: fd (cast.analysers.mainframe.SavedObject) – the node @type fd:SavedObject
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- start_sort_description(sd)¶
SD ...
Parameters: sd (cast.analysers.mainframe.SavedObject) – the node @type sd:SavedObject
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- end_sort_description(sd)¶
SD ...
Parameters: sd (cast.analysers.mainframe.SavedObject) – the node @type sd:SavedObject
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- start_block_contains(node)¶
For example: BLOCK CONTAINS ZERO RECORDS first child is integer_literal and second child is records node BLOCK CONTAINS ZERO TO 10 CHARACTERS first child is integer_literal for ZERO, second child is integer_literal for 10, third child is characters node
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- end_block_contains(node)¶
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- start_records(node)¶
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- end_records(node)¶
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- start_characters(node)¶
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- end_characters(node)¶
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- start_data(data)¶
Called at the beginning of a data
data is either of type cast.analyzers.mainframe.SavedData or cast.analyzers.mainframe.UnsavedData
- end_data(data)¶
Called at the end of analysis of a data
data is either of type cast.analyzers.mainframe.SavedData or cast.analyzers.mainframe.UnsavedData
- start_value(node)¶
Called at the begining of a VALUE clause
node is either of type cast.analyzers.mainframe.SavedData or cast.analyzers.mainframe.UnsavedData
- end_value(move)¶
Called at the end of a VALUE clause
node is either of type cast.analyzers.mainframe.SavedData or cast.analyzers.mainframe.UnsavedData
- start_value_through(node)¶
Called at the beginning of a THROUGH ...
node is either of type cast.analyzers.mainframe.SavedData or cast.analyzers.mainframe.UnsavedData
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.1-funcrel.
- end_value_through(node)¶
Called at the end of a THROUGH ...
node is either of type cast.analyzers.mainframe.SavedData or cast.analyzers.mainframe.UnsavedData
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.1-funcrel.
- start_occurs_depending(node)¶
Called at the begining of a OCCURS ... DEPENDING ON
node is either of type cast.analyzers.mainframe.SavedData or cast.analyzers.mainframe.UnsavedData
- end_occurs_depending(move)¶
Called at the end of a OCCURS ... DEPENDING ON
node is either of type cast.analyzers.mainframe.SavedData or cast.analyzers.mainframe.UnsavedData
- start_redefines(node)¶
Called at the beginning of a REDEFINES ...
node is either of type cast.analyzers.mainframe.SavedData or cast.analyzers.mainframe.UnsavedData
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha3.
- end_redefines(node)¶
Called at the end of a REDEFINES ...
node is either of type cast.analyzers.mainframe.SavedData or cast.analyzers.mainframe.UnsavedData
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha3.
- start_renames(node)¶
Called at the beginning of a RENAMES ...
node is either of type cast.analyzers.mainframe.SavedData or cast.analyzers.mainframe.UnsavedData
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.2.1-funcrel.
- end_renames(node)¶
Called at the end of a RENAMES ...
node is either of type cast.analyzers.mainframe.SavedData or cast.analyzers.mainframe.UnsavedData
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.2.1-funcrel.
- start_dynamic_length(node)¶
Called at the beginning of a DYNAMIC ...
node is either of type cast.analyzers.mainframe.SavedData or cast.analyzers.mainframe.UnsavedData
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha2.
- end_dynamic_length(node)¶
Called at the end of a DYNAMIC ...
node is either of type cast.analyzers.mainframe.SavedData or cast.analyzers.mainframe.UnsavedData
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha2.
- start_limit(node)¶
Called at the beginning of a LIMIT ...
node is either of type cast.analyzers.mainframe.SavedData or cast.analyzers.mainframe.UnsavedData
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha2.
- end_limit(node)¶
Called at the end of a LIMIT ...
node is either of type cast.analyzers.mainframe.SavedData or cast.analyzers.mainframe.UnsavedData
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha2.
- start_indexed_by(node)¶
Called at the beginning of a INDEXED BY ...
node is either of type cast.analyzers.mainframe.SavedData or cast.analyzers.mainframe.UnsavedData
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha3.
- end_indexed_by(node)¶
Called at the end of a INDEXED BY ...
node is either of type cast.analyzers.mainframe.SavedData or cast.analyzers.mainframe.UnsavedData
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha3.
- start_index(index)¶
Called on an index. index is of type cast.analyzers.mainframe.Index
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha3.
- end_index(index)¶
Called on an index. index is of type cast.analyzers.mainframe.Index
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha3.
- start_when_set_to_false(node)¶
Called at the beginning of a WHEN SET TO FALSE ...
node is either of type cast.analyzers.mainframe.SavedData or cast.analyzers.mainframe.UnsavedData
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.1-funcrel.
- end_when_set_to_false(node)¶
Called at the end of a WHEN SET TO FALSE ...
node is either of type cast.analyzers.mainframe.SavedData or cast.analyzers.mainframe.UnsavedData
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.1-funcrel.
Procedure Division¶
- class cast.analysers.mainframe.Extension
Extension points for Mainframe analyzer.
- start_declaratives(declaratives)¶
Parameters: declaratives (cast.analysers.BaseObject) – the declaratives part
- end_declaratives(declaratives)¶
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
Parameters: declaratives (cast.analysers.BaseObject) – the declaratives part New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- start_declaratives_section(section)¶
Called at the beginning of analysis of a section in DECLARATIVES
Parameters: division (cast.analysers.BaseObject) – the section New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- end_declaratives_section(section)¶
Called at the end of analysis of a section in DECLARATIVES
Parameters: division (cast.analysers.BaseObject) – the section New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- start_declaratives_paragraph(paragraph)¶
Called at the beginning of analysis of a paragraph in DECLARATIVES
Parameters: division (cast.analysers.BaseObject) – the paragraph New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- end_declaratives_paragraph(paragraph)¶
Called at the end of analysis of a paragraph in DECLARATIVES
Parameters: division (cast.analysers.BaseObject) – the paragraph New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- start_entry(entry)¶
ENTRY ... statement.
Parameters: entry (cast.analysers.mainframe.SavedObject) – the node @type entry:SavedObject
- end_entry(entry)¶
ENTRY ... statement.
Parameters: entry (cast.analysers.mainframe.SavedObject) – the node @type entry:SavedObject
Statements ACCEPT - FREE¶
- class cast.analysers.mainframe.Extension
Extension points for Mainframe analyzer.
- start_accept(accept)¶
ACCEPT statement.
Parameters: accept (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type accept:Node
- end_accept(accept)¶
ACCEPT statement.
Parameters: accept (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type accept:Node
- start_add(add)¶
ADD statement.
Parameters: add (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type add:Node
- end_add(add)¶
ADD statement.
Parameters: add (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type add:Node
- start_add_source(add)¶
The source part in an ADD statement.
Parameters: add (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type add:Node
- end_add_source(add)¶
The source part in an ADD statement.
Parameters: add (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type add:Node
- start_add_destination(add)¶
The destination part in an ADD statement.
Parameters: add (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type add:Node
- end_add_destination(add)¶
The destination part in an ADD statement.
Parameters: add (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type add:Node
- start_allocate(node)¶
ALLOCATE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type alter:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.18-funcrel.
- start_initialized(node)¶
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type alter:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.18-funcrel.
- end_initialized(node)¶
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type alter:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.18-funcrel.
- end_allocate(node)¶
ALLOCATE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type alter:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.18-funcrel.
- start_alter(alter)¶
ALTER statement.
Parameters: alter (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type alter:Node
- end_alter(alter)¶
ALTER statement.
Parameters: alter (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type alter:Node
- start_call(call)¶
CALL statement.
Parameters: call (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type call:Node
- end_call(call)¶
CALL statement.
Parameters: call (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type call:Node
- start_call_target(target)¶
What is called by a CALL statement.
Parameters: call (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type target:Node
- end_call_target(target)¶
What is called by a CALL statement.
Parameters: call (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type target:Node
- start_call_interface(node)¶
>>CALLINTERFACE compilation directive
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node node.get_name() will take following values: - “” - “DLL” - “STATIC” - “DYNAMIC”
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- end_call_interface(node)¶
>>CALLINTERFACE compilation directive
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- start_cancel(cancel)¶
CANCEL statement.
Parameters: cancel (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type cancel:Node
- end_cancel(cancel)¶
CANCEL statement.
Parameters: cancel (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type cancel:Node
- start_close(close)¶
CLOSE statement.
Parameters: close (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type close:Node
- end_close(close)¶
CLOSE statement.
Parameters: close (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type close:Node
- start_compute(compute)¶
COMPUTE statement.
Parameters: compute (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type compute:Node
- end_compute(compute)¶
COMPUTE statement.
Parameters: compute (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type compute:Node
- start_rounded(rounded)¶
ROUNDED in COMPUTE statement.
Parameters: rounded (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type rounded:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.3-funcrel.
- end_rounded(rounded)¶
ROUNDED in COMPUTE statement.
Parameters: rounded (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type rounded:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.3-funcrel.
- start_copy(node)¶
COPY statement.
This node is available only when the copybook has not been found, otherwise the code is expansed.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha3.
From version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.1-funcrel copybook name is available through node.get_name()
- end_copy(node)¶
COPY statement.
This node is available only when the copybook has not been found, otherwise the code is expansed.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha3.
- start_replacement(node)¶
REPLACING ... BY ... clause in an COPY or REPLACE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- end_replacement(node)¶
REPLACING ... BY ... clause in an COPY or REPLACE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- start_replacement_leading(node)¶
REPLACING LEADING ... BY ... clause in an COPY or REPLACE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- end_replacement_leading(node)¶
REPLACING LEADING ... BY ... clause in an COPY or REPLACE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- start_replacement_trailing(node)¶
REPLACING TRAILING ... BY ... clause in an COPY or REPLACE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- end_replacement_trailing(node)¶
REPLACING TRAILING ... BY ... clause in an COPY or REPLACE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- start_delete(delete)¶
DELETE statement.
Parameters: delete (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type delete:Node
- end_delete(delete)¶
DELETE statement.
Parameters: delete (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type delete:Node
- start_display(display)¶
DISPLAY statement.
Parameters: display (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type display:Node
- end_display(display)¶
DISPLAY statement.
Parameters: display (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type display:Node
- start_divide_by(divide)¶
DIVIDE ... BY ... statement.
Parameters: divide (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type divide:Node
- end_divide_by(divide)¶
DIVIDE ... BY ... statement.
Parameters: divide (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type divide:Node
- start_divide_into(divide)¶
DIVIDE ... INTO ... statement.
Parameters: divide (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type divide:Node
- end_divide_into(divide)¶
DIVIDE ... INTO ... statement.
Parameters: divide (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type divide:Node
- start_remainder(node)¶
REMAINDER ... in a DIVIDE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.1-funcrel.
- end_remainder(node)¶
REMAINDER ... in a DIVIDE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.1-funcrel.
- start_evaluate(evaluate)¶
EVALUATE statement.
Parameters: evaluate (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type evaluate:Node
- end_evaluate(evaluate)¶
EVALUATE statement.
Parameters: evaluate (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type evaluate:Node
- start_evaluate_expression(node)¶
Child is the evaluated expression in the EVALUATE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
- end_evaluate_expression(node)¶
Child is the evaluated expression in the EVALUATE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
- start_evaluate_directive(evaluate)¶
>>EVALUATE directive statement.
Parameters: evaluate (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type evaluate:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha3.
- end_evaluate_directive(evaluate)¶
>>EVALUATE directive statement.
Parameters: evaluate (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type evaluate:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha3.
- start_evaluate_directive_expression(node)¶
Child is the evaluated expression in the >>EVALUATE directive statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha3.
- end_evaluate_directive_expression(node)¶
Child is the evaluated expression in the >>EVALUATE directive statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha3.
- start_examine(node)¶
EXAMINE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- start_examine_tayling(node)¶
EXAMINE ... TALLYING ... statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- end_examine_tallying(node)¶
EXAMINE ... TALLYING ... statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- start_examine_replacing(node)¶
EXAMINE ... REPLACING ... statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- end_examine_replacing(node)¶
EXAMINE ... REPLACING ... statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- start_examine_all(node)¶
EXAMINE ... ALL ... statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- end_examine_all(node)¶
EXAMINE ... ALL ... statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- start_examine_leading(node)¶
EXAMINE ... LEADING ... statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- end_examine_leading(node)¶
EXAMINE ... LEADING ... statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- start_examine_until_first(node)¶
EXAMINE ... UNTIL FIRST ... statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- end_examine_until_first(node)¶
EXAMINE ... UNTIL FIRST ... statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- start_examine_first(node)¶
EXAMINE ... FIRST ... statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- end_examine_first(node)¶
EXAMINE ... FIRST ... statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- end_examine(node)¶
EXAMINE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- start_exec_cics(exec)¶
EXEC CICS statement.
exec.get_name() will give the content. :param cast.analysers.mainframe.Node exec: the node
@type exec:Node
- end_exec_cics(exec)¶
EXEC CICS statement.
exec.get_name() will give the content. :param cast.analysers.mainframe.Node exec: the node
@type exec:Node
- start_exec_dli(exec)¶
EXEC DLI statement.
exec.get_name() will give the content. :param cast.analysers.mainframe.Node exec: the node
@type exec:Node
- end_exec_dli(exec)¶
EXEC DLI statement.
exec.get_name() will give the content. :param cast.analysers.mainframe.Node exec: the node
@type exec:Node
- start_exec_sql(exec)¶
EXEC SQL statement.
exec.get_name() will give the content. :param cast.analysers.mainframe.Node exec: the node
@type exec:Node
- end_exec_sql(exec)¶
EXEC SQL statement.
exec.get_name() will give the content. :param cast.analysers.mainframe.Node exec: the node
@type exec:Node
- start_exhibit(node)¶
EXHIBIT statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- start_exhibit_named(node)¶
EXHIBIT ... NAMED ... statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- end_exhibit_named(node)¶
EXHIBIT ... NAMED ... statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- start_exhibit_changed(node)¶
EXHIBIT ... CHANGED ... statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- end_exhibit_changed(node)¶
EXHIBIT ... CHANGED ... statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- end_exhibit(node)¶
EXHIBIT statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- start_exit(exit)¶
EXIT statement.
Parameters: exit (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type exit:Node
- end_exit(exit)¶
EXIT statement.
Parameters: exit (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type exit:Node
- start_exit_method(node)¶
EXIT METHOD statement
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- end_exit_method(node)¶
EXIT METHOD statement
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- start_exit_paragraph(node)¶
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- end_exit_paragraph(node)¶
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- start_exit_perform(node)¶
EXIT PERFORM statement
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- end_exit_perform(node)¶
EXIT PERFORM statement
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- start_exit_perform_cycle(node)¶
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- end_exit_perform_cycle(node)¶
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- start_exit_program(node)¶
EXIT PROGRAM statement
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- end_exit_program(node)¶
EXIT PROGRAM statement
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- start_exit_section(node)¶
EXIT SECTION statement
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- end_exit_section(node)¶
EXIT SECTION statement
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- start_free(node)¶
FREE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type alter:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.18-funcrel.
- end_free(node)¶
FREE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type alter:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.18-funcrel.
Statements GOBACK - PERFORM¶
- class cast.analysers.mainframe.Extension
Extension points for Mainframe analyzer.
- start_goback(goback)¶
GOBACK statement.
Parameters: goback (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type goback:Node
- end_goback(goback)¶
GOBACK statement.
Parameters: goback (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type goback:Node
- start_goto(goto)¶
GO TO statement.
Parameters: goto (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type goto:Node
- end_goto(procedure)¶
GO TO statement.
Parameters: goto (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type goto:Node
- start_if(_if)¶
IF statement.
Parameters: _if (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type goto:Node
- end_if(_if)¶
IF statement.
Parameters: _if (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type goto:Node
- start_if_directive(_if)¶
>>IF directive statement.
Parameters: _if (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type goto:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha3.
- end_if_directive(_if)¶
>>IF directive statement.
Parameters: _if (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type goto:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha3.
- start_then_directive(then)¶
THEN part in a >>IF directive statement.
Parameters: then (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type goto:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha3.
- end_then_directive(then)¶
THEN part in a >>IF directive statement.
Parameters: then (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type goto:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha3.
- start_else_directive(_else)¶
>>ELSE part in a >>IF directive statement.
Parameters: _else (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type goto:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha3.
- end_else_directive(_else)¶
>>ELSE part in a >>IF directive statement.
Parameters: _else (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type goto:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha3.
- start_define(define)¶
>>DEFINE directive clause.
Parameters: default (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type default:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha3.
- end_define(define)¶
>>DEFINE directive clause.
Parameters: default (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type default:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha3.
- start_compilation_variable(define)¶
>>compilation variable definition.
Parameters: default (cast.analysers.mainframe.CompilationVariable) – the node @type default:CompilationVariable
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha3.
- end_compilation_variable(define)¶
>>compilation variable definition.
Parameters: default (cast.analysers.mainframe.CompilationVariable) – the node @type default:CompilationVariable
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha3.
- start_when_directive(when)¶
Begin of a >>WHEN directive clause.
Parameters: when (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type when:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha3.
- end_when_directive(when)¶
End of a >>WHEN directive clause.
Parameters: when (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type when:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha3.
- start_when_directive_expression(node)¶
Child is the evaluated expression in a >>WHEN directive clause.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha3.
- end_when_directive_expression(node)¶
Child is the evaluated expression in a >>WHEN directive clause.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha3.
- start_other_directive(other)¶
OTHER expression in a >>WHEN OTHER directive
Parameters: other (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type other:cast.analyzer.mainframe.Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha3.
- end_other_directive(other)¶
- OTHER expression in a >>WHEN OTHER directive
Parameters: other (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type other:cast.analyzer.mainframe.Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha3.
- start_inline_off(node)¶
>>INLINE OFF compilation directive
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- end_inline_off(node)¶
>>INLINE OFF compilation directive
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- start_inline_on(node)¶
>>INLINE ON compilation directive
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- end_inline_on(node)¶
>>INLINE ON compilation directive
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- start_then(then)¶
THEN part in a IF statement.
Parameters: then (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type goto:Node
- end_then(then)¶
THEN part in a IF statement.
Parameters: then (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type goto:Node
- start_else(_else)¶
ELSE part in a IF statement.
Parameters: _else (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type goto:Node
- end_else(_else)¶
ELSE part in a IF statement.
Parameters: _else (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type goto:Node
- start_initialize(initialize)¶
INITIALIZE statement.
Parameters: initialize (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type initialize:Node Children: initialized identifiers, with_filler clause, to_value, replacing, to_default
- start_with_filler(filler)¶
WITH FILLER clause in an INITIALIZE statement.
Parameters: filler (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type filler:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.18-funcrel.
- end_with_filler(filler)¶
WITH FILLER clause in an INITIALIZE statement.
Parameters: filler (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type filler:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.18-funcrel.
- start_value_phrase(value)¶
... TO VALUE clause in an INITIALIZE statement.
Parameters: value (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type value:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.18-funcrel.
- end_value_phrase(value)¶
... TO VALUE clause in an INITIALIZE statement.
Parameters: value (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type value:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.18-funcrel.
- start_replacing(replacing)¶
REPLACING ... BY ... clause in an INITIALIZE statement. REPLACING ... clause in an UNSTRING statement.
Parameters: replacing (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type replacing:Node
replacing.has_then() will be True in case of THEN REPLACING.
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.18-funcrel.
- end_replacing(replacing)¶
REPLACING ... BY ... clause in an INITIALIZE statement. REPLACING ... clause in an UNSTRING statement.
Parameters: replacing (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type replacing:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.18-funcrel.
- start_to_default(default)¶
THEN TO DEFAULT clause in an INITIALIZE statement.
Parameters: default (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type default:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.18-funcrel.
- end_to_default(default)¶
THEN TO DEFAULT clause in an INITIALIZE statement.
Parameters: default (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type default:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.18-funcrel.
- end_initialize(initialize)¶
INITIALIZE statement.
Parameters: initialize (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type initialize:Node
- start_inspect(inspect)¶
INSPECT statement.
Parameters: inspect (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type inspect:Node Children: identifiers
- end_inspect(inspect)¶
INSPECT statement.
Parameters: inspect (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type inspect:Node
- start_json_generate(node)¶
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.18-funcrel.
- end_json_generate(node)¶
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.18-funcrel.
- start_json_parse(node)¶
JSON PARSE statement
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.18-funcrel.
- end_json_parse(node)¶
JSON PARSE statement
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.18-funcrel.
- start_count_in(node)¶
COUNT IN ... clause in an JSON GENERATE, XML GENERATE or UNSTRING statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- end_count_in(node)¶
COUNT IN ... clause in an JSON GENERATE, XML GENERATE or UNSTRING statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- start_name_of(node)¶
NAME OF ... clause in an JSON GENERATE or XML GENERATE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- end_name_of(node)¶
NAME OF ... clause in an JSON GENERATE or XML GENERATE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- start_suppress(node)¶
SUPPRESS ... clause in an JSON GENERATE or XML GENERATE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- end_suppress(node)¶
SUPPRESS ... clause in an JSON GENERATE or XML GENERATE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- start_suppress_when(node)¶
WHEN ... clause in an JSON GENERATE or XML GENERATE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- end_suppress_when(node)¶
WHEN ... clause in an JSON GENERATE or XML GENERATE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- start_converting(node)¶
CONVERTING ... clause in an JSON GENERATE or JSON PARSE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha2.
- end_converting(node)¶
CONVERTING ... clause in an JSON GENERATE or JSON PARSE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha2.
- start_with_detail(node)¶
WITH DETAIL ... clause in an JSON PARSE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- end_with_detail(node)¶
WITH DETAIL ... clause in an JSON PARSE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- start_with_encoding(node)¶
WITH ENCODING ... clause in an XML GENERATE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- end_with_encoding(node)¶
WITH ENCODING ... clause in an XML GENERATE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- start_with_xml_declaration(node)¶
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- end_with_xml_declaration(node)¶
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- start_with_attributes(node)¶
WITH ATTRIBUTES clause in an XML GENERATE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- end_with_attributes(node)¶
WITH ATTRIBUTES clause in an XML GENERATE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- start_namespace(node)¶
NAMESPACE ... clause in an XML GENERATE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- end_namespace(node)¶
NAMESPACE ... clause in an XML GENERATE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- start_type_of(node)¶
TYPE OF ... clause in an XML GENERATE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- end_type_of(node)¶
TYPE OF ... clause in an XML GENERATE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- start_xml_type(node)¶
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node node.get_name() will give the value
@type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- end_xml_type(node)¶
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node node.get_name() will give the value
@type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- start_merge(merge)¶
MERGE statement.
Parameters: merge (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type merge:Node
- end_merge(merge)¶
MERGE statement.
Parameters: merge (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type merge:Node
- start_move(move)¶
MOVE statement.
Parameters: move (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type move:Node
MOVE A TO B * move * move_source * identifier (A) * move_destination * identifier (B)
- end_move(move)¶
MOVE statement.
Parameters: move (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type move:Node
- start_move_source(move)¶
What is moved in a MOVE statement.
Parameters: move (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type move:Node
- end_move_source(move)¶
What is moved in a MOVE statement.
Parameters: move (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type move:Node
- start_move_destination(move)¶
What is moved to in a MOVE statement.
Parameters: move (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type move:Node
- end_move_destination(move)¶
What is moved to in a MOVE statement.
Parameters: move (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type move:Node
- start_is_corresponding(move)¶
When the MOVE statement is CORRESPONDING
Parameters: move (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type move:Node
- end_is_corresponding(move)¶
When the MOVE statement is CORRESPONDING
Parameters: move (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type move:Node
- start_multiply(multiply)¶
MULTIPLY statement.
Parameters: multiply (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type multiply:Node
- end_multiply(multiply)¶
MULTIPLY statement.
Parameters: multiply (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type multiply:Node
- start_note(node)¶
NOTE ... statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- end_note(node)¶
NOTE ... statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- start_on(node)¶
ON ... statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- start_every(node)¶
ON ... EVERY ... statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- end_every(node)¶
ON ... EVERY ... statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- end_on(node)¶
ON ... statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- start_open(_open)¶
OPEN statement.
Parameters: _open (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type _open:Node
- end_open(_open)¶
OPEN statement.
Parameters: _open (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type _open:Node
- start_open_input(_input)¶
INPUT phrase in an OPEN statement.
Parameters: _input (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type _input:Node
- end_open_input(_input)¶
INPUT phrase in an OPEN statement.
Parameters: _input (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type _input:Node
- start_open_output(_output)¶
OUTPUT phrase in an OPEN statement.
Parameters: _output (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type _output:Node
- end_open_output(_output)¶
OUTPUT phrase in an OPEN statement.
Parameters: _output (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type _output:Node
- start_perform_procedure(perform)¶
Parameters: perform (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type perform:Node
- end_perform_procedure(perform)¶
Parameters: perform (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type perform:Node
- start_perform_inline(perform)¶
PERFORM ... <statements> END-PERFORM statement
Parameters: perform (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type perform:Node
- end_perform_inline(perform)¶
PERFORM ... <statements> END-PERFORM statement
Parameters: perform (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type perform:Node
- start_times(perform)¶
X TIMES phrase of a PERFORM
Parameters: perform (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type perform:Node
- end_times(perform)¶
X TIMES phrase of a PERFORM
Parameters: perform (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type perform:Node
- start_until(perform)¶
UNTIL ... phrase of a PERFORM
Parameters: perform (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type perform:Node
- end_until(perform)¶
UNTIL ... phrase of a PERFORM
Parameters: perform (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type perform:Node
- start_until_exit(perform)¶
UNTIL EXIT ... phrase of a PERFORM
Parameters: perform (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type perform:Node .. versionadded:: com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-funcrel
- end_until_exit(perform)¶
UNTIL EXIT... phrase of a PERFORM
Parameters: perform (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type perform:Node .. versionadded:: com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-funcrel
- start_varying(perform)¶
VARYING ... FROM ... BY ... UNTIL ... phrase of a PERFORM
Parameters: perform (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type perform:Node
- end_varying(perform)¶
VARYING ... FROM ... BY ... UNTIL ... phrase of a PERFORM
Parameters: perform (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type perform:Node
- start_with_test_after(perform)¶
Parameters: perform (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type perform:Node
- end_with_test_after(perform)¶
Parameters: perform (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type perform:Node
- start_with_test_before(perform)¶
Parameters: perform (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type perform:Node
- end_with_test_before(perform)¶
Parameters: perform (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type perform:Node
- class cast.analysers.mainframe.Extension
Extension points for Mainframe analyzer.
- start_process(close)¶
PROCESS/CBL statement.
Parameters: close (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type close:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha3.
- end_process(close)¶
PROCESS/CBL statement.
Parameters: close (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type close:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha3.
- start_compilation_option(node)¶
Option inside a PROCESS statement
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
option.get_name() gives the option value
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- end_compilation_option(node)¶
Option inside a PROCESS statement
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
option.get_name() gives the option value
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- start_read(_read)¶
READ statement.
Parameters: _read (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type _read:Node
- end_read(_read)¶
READ statement.
Parameters: _read (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type _read:Node
- start_read_source(_read)¶
source part of READ statement.
Parameters: _read (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type _read:Node
- end_read_source(_read)¶
source part of READ statement.
Parameters: _read (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type _read:Node
- start_read_destination(_read)¶
INTO ... of READ statement.
Parameters: _read (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type _read:Node
- end_read_destination(_read)¶
INTO ... of READ statement.
Parameters: _read (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type _read:Node
- start_ready_trace(node)¶
READY TRACE statement
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha3.
- end_ready_trace(node)¶
READY TRACE statement
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha3.
- start_replace(node)¶
REPLACE statement
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- end_replace(node)¶
REPLACE statement
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- start_reset_trace(node)¶
RESET TRACE statement
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha3.
- end_reset_trace(node)¶
RESET TRACE statement
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha3.
- start_rewrite(write)¶
REWRITE statement.
Parameters: write (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type write:Node
- end_rewrite(write)¶
REWRITE statement.
Parameters: write (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type write:Node
- start_search(_search)¶
SEARCH statement.
Parameters: _search (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type _search:Node
- end_search(_search)¶
SEARCH statement.
Parameters: _search (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type _search:Node
- start_search_all(_search)¶
ALL in a SEARCH statement.
Parameters: _search (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type _search:Node
- end_search_all(_search)¶
ALL in a SEARCH statement.
Parameters: _search (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type _search:Node
- start_set(_set)¶
SET statement.
Parameters: _set (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type _set:Node
- end_set(_set)¶
SET statement.
Parameters: _set (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type _set:Node
- start_up_by(node)¶
UP BY ... in SET statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.1-funcrel.
- end_up_by(_set)¶
UP BY ... in SET statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.1-funcrel.
- start_down_by(node)¶
DOWN BY ... in SET statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.1-funcrel.
- end_down_by(_set)¶
DOWN BY ... in SET statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.1-funcrel.
- start_sort(_sort)¶
SORT statement.
Parameters: _sort (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type _sort:Node
- end_sort(_sort)¶
SORT statement.
Parameters: _sort (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type _sort:Node
- start_start(_start)¶
START statement.
Parameters: _start (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type _start:Node
- end_start(_start)¶
START statement.
Parameters: _start (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type _start:Node
- start_stop_run(stop)¶
STOP RUN statement.
Parameters: stop (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type stop:Node
- end_stop_run(stop)¶
STOP RUN statement.
Parameters: stop (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type stop:Node
- start_string(string)¶
STRING statement.
Parameters: string (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type string:Node
- end_string(string)¶
STRING statement.
Parameters: string (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type string:Node
- start_subtract(subtract)¶
SUBTRACT statement.
Parameters: subtract (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type subtract:Node
- end_subtract(subtract)¶
SUBTRACT statement.
Parameters: subtract (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type subtract:Node
- start_subtract_source(subtract)¶
Source in a SUBTRACT statement.
Parameters: subtract (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type subtract:Node
- end_subtract_source(subtract)¶
Source in a SUBTRACT statement.
Parameters: subtract (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type subtract:Node
- start_subtract_destination(subtract)¶
Destination in a SUBTRACT statement.
Parameters: subtract (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type subtract:Node
- end_subtract_destination(subtract)¶
Destination in a SUBTRACT statement.
Parameters: subtract (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type subtract:Node
- start_transform(node)¶
TRANSFORM statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- end_transform(node)¶
TRANSFORM statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- start_unstring(node)¶
UNSTRING statement
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.1-funcrel.
- end_unstring(node)¶
UNSTRING statement
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.1-funcrel.
- start_write(write)¶
WRITE statement.
Parameters: write (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type write:Node
- end_write(write)¶
WRITE statement.
Parameters: write (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type write:Node
- start_write_source(write)¶
Source in a WRITE statement.
Parameters: write (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type write:Node
- end_write_source(write)¶
Source in a WRITE statement.
Parameters: write (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type write:Node
- start_write_destination(write)¶
Destination in a WRITE statement.
Parameters: write (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type write:Node
- end_write_destination(write)¶
Destination in a WRITE statement.
Parameters: write (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type write:Node
- start_xml_generate(node)¶
XML GENERATE statement
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.1-funcrel.
- end_xml_generate(node)¶
XML GENERATE statement
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.1-funcrel.
- start_xml_parse(node)¶
XML PARSE statement
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.1-funcrel.
- end_xml_parse(node)¶
XML PARSE statement
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.1-funcrel.
- start_returning_national(node)¶
RETURNING NATIONAL clause in an XML PARSE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- end_returning_national(node)¶
RETURNING NATIONAL clause in an XML PARSE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- start_validating(node)¶
VALIDATING ... clause in an XML PARSE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- end_validating(node)¶
VALIDATING ... clause in an XML PARSE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- start_validating_with_file(node)¶
VALIDATING WITH FILE ... clause in an XML PARSE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- end_validating_with_file(node)¶
VALIDATING WITH FILE ... clause in an XML PARSE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- start_processing_procedure(node)¶
PROCESSING PROCEDURE ... clause in an XML PARSE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- end_processing_procedure(node)¶
PROCESSING PROCEDURE ... clause in an XML PARSE statement.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
Common sub nodes¶
Those events/nodes can be found in several statements.
- class cast.analysers.mainframe.Extension
Extension points for Mainframe analyzer.
- start_when(when)¶
Begin of a WHEN clause.
Parameters: when (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type when:Node
- end_when(when)¶
End of a WHEN clause.
Parameters: when (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type when:Node
- start_when_expression(node)¶
Child is the evaluated expression in a WHEN clause.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
- end_when_expression(node)¶
Child is the evaluated expression in a WHEN clause.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
- start_using(node)¶
USING ... clause.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
- end_using(node)¶
USING ... clause.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
- start_by_reference(node)¶
BY REFERENCE ... clause.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha3.
- end_by_reference(node)¶
BY REFERENCE ... clause.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha3.
- start_by_value(node)¶
BY VALUE ... clause.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha3.
- end_by_value(node)¶
BY VALUE ... clause.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha3.
- start_by_content(node)¶
BY CONTENT ... clause.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha3.
- end_by_content(node)¶
BY CONTENT ... clause.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha3.
- start_giving(node)¶
Start a GIVING clause.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node Can be present in - CALL - ADD - ...
- end_giving(node)¶
End a GIVING clause.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node Can be present in - CALL - ADD - ...
- start_from(_from)¶
Start a FROM clause.
Parameters: _from (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node Can be present in - PERFORM - MERGE - SORT - ...
- end_from(_from)¶
End a FROM clause.
Parameters: _from (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node Can be present in - PERFORM Can be present in - PERFORM - MERGE - SORT - ...
- start_through(through)¶
Start a THROUGH clause.
Parameters: through (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node Can be present in - PERFORM Can be present in - PERFORM - MERGE - SORT - ...
- end_through(through)¶
End a THROUGH clause.
Parameters: through (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node Can be present in - PERFORM - MERGE - SORT - ...
- start_filename(filename)¶
The referenced file name in a MERGE or SORT statement.
Parameters: filename (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type filename:Node
- end_filename(filename)¶
The referenced file name in a MERGE or SORT statement.
Parameters: filename (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type filename:Node
- start_output_procedure(procedure)¶
Output procedure in a MERGE statement.
Parameters: procedure (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type procedure:Node
- end_output_procedure(procedure)¶
Output procedure in a MERGE statement.
Parameters: procedure (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type procedure:Node
- start_input_procedure(procedure)¶
INPUT PROCEDURE ... in a SORT statement.
Parameters: procedure (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type procedure:Node
- end_input_procedure(procedure)¶
INPUT PROCEDURE ... in a SORT statement.
Parameters: procedure (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type procedure:Node
- start_at_end(end)¶
Start a AT END clause.
Parameters: end (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node
- end_at_end(end)¶
End a AT END clause.
Parameters: end (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node
- start_not_at_end(end)¶
Start a NOT AT END clause.
Parameters: end (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node
- end_not_at_end(end)¶
End a NOT AT END clause.
Parameters: end (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node
- start_at_end_of_page(end)¶
Start a AT END OF PAGE clause.
Parameters: end (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node
- end_at_end_of_page(end)¶
End a AT END OF PAGE clause.
Parameters: end (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node
- start_not_at_end_of_page(end)¶
Start a NOT AT END OF PAGE clause.
Parameters: end (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node
- end_not_at_end_of_page(end)¶
End a NOT AT END OF PAGE clause.
Parameters: end (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node
- start_invalid_key(end)¶
Start a INVALID KEY clause.
Parameters: end (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node
- end_invalid_key(end)¶
End a INVALID KEY clause.
Parameters: end (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node
- start_not_invalid_key(end)¶
Start a NOT INVALID KEY clause.
Parameters: end (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node
- end_not_invalid_key(end)¶
End a NOT INVALID KEY clause.
Parameters: end (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node
- start_on_exception(end)¶
Start a ON EXCEPTION clause.
Parameters: end (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node
- end_on_exception(end)¶
End a ON EXCEPTION clause.
Parameters: end (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node
- start_not_on_exception(end)¶
Start a NOT ON EXCEPTION clause.
Parameters: end (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node
- end_not_on_exception(end)¶
End a NOT ON EXCEPTION clause.
Parameters: end (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node
- start_on_overflow(end)¶
Start a ON OVERFLOW clause.
Parameters: end (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node
- end_on_overflow(end)¶
End a ON OVERFLOW clause.
Parameters: end (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node
- start_not_on_overflow(end)¶
Start a NOT ON OVERFLOW clause.
Parameters: end (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node
- end_not_on_overflow(end)¶
End a NOT ON OVERFLOW clause.
Parameters: end (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node
- start_on_size_error(end)¶
Start a ON SIZE ERROR clause.
Parameters: end (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node
- end_on_size_error(end)¶
End a ON SIZE ERROR clause.
Parameters: end (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node
- start_not_on_size_error(end)¶
Start a NOT ON SIZE ERROR clause.
Parameters: end (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node
- end_not_on_size_error(end)¶
End a NOT ON SIZE ERROR clause.
Parameters: end (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node
- start_procedure_name(procedure)¶
A reference to a section or paragraph.
Parameters: procedure (cast.analysers.mainframe.ProcedureName) – the node
- end_procedure_name(procedure)¶
A reference to a section or paragraph.
Parameters: procedure (cast.analysers.mainframe.ProcedureName) – the node
- start_for(node)¶
Start a FOR clause.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node Can be present in - UNSTRING - ...
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.4.5-funcrel.
- end_for(node)¶
End a FOR clause.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node Can be present in - UNSTRING - ...
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.4.5-funcrel.
- start_delimited(node)¶
Start a DELIMITED (BY) clause.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node Can be present in - STRING - UNSTRING - ...
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.4.3-funcrel.
- end_delimited(node)¶
End a DELIMITED (BY) clause.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node Can be present in - STRING - UNSTRING - ...
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.4.3-funcrel.
- start_delimiter(node)¶
Start a DELIMITER (IN) clause.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node Can be present in - UNSTRING - ...
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.4.5-funcrel.
- end_delimiter(node)¶
End a DELIMITER (IN) clause.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node Can be present in - UNSTRING - ...
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.4.5-funcrel.
- start_pointer(node)¶
Start a (WITH) POINTER clause.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node Can be present in - STRING - UNSTRING - ...
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.4.3-funcrel.
- end_pointer(node)¶
End a (WITH) POINTER clause.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node Can be present in - STRING - UNSTRING - ...
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.4.3-funcrel.
- start_tallying(node)¶
Start a TALLYING (IN) clause.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node Can be present in - UNSTRING - ...
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.4.5-funcrel.
- end_tallying(node)¶
End a TALLYING (IN) clause.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node Can be present in - UNSTRING - ...
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.4.5-funcrel.
- start_inspect_tallying(inspect)¶
TALLYING clause in INSPECT statement.
Parameters: inspect (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type inspect:Node Children: identifiers .. versionadded:: com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.4.2-funcrel
- end_inspect_tallying(inspect)¶
TALLYING clause in INSPECT statement.
Parameters: inspect (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type inspect:Node .. versionadded:: com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.4.2-funcrel
- start_search_varying(varying)¶
VARYING clause in SEARCH statement.
Parameters: _search (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type varying:Node .. versionadded:: com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.4.5-funcrel
- end_search_varying(varying)¶
VARYING clause in SEARCH statement.
Parameters: _search (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type varying:Node .. versionadded:: com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.4.5-funcrel
- class cast.analysers.mainframe.Extension
Extension points for Mainframe analyzer.
- start_string_literal(literal)¶
Parameters: literal (cast.analysers.mainframe.StringLiteral) – the node @type literal:cast.analyzer.mainframe.StringLiteral
- end_string_literal(literal)¶
Parameters: literal (cast.analysers.mainframe.StringLiteral) – the node @type literal:cast.analyzer.mainframe.StringLiteral
- start_integer_literal(literal)¶
Parameters: literal (cast.analysers.mainframe.IntegerLiteral) – the node @type literal:cast.analyzer.mainframe.IntegerLiteral
- end_integer_literal(literal)¶
Parameters: literal (cast.analysers.mainframe.IntegerLiteral) – the node @type literal:cast.analyzer.mainframe.IntegerLiteral
- start_real_literal(literal)¶
Parameters: literal (cast.analysers.mainframe.RealLiteral) – the node - @type literal:cast.analyzer.mainframe.IntegerLiteral
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha2.
- end_real_literal(literal)¶
Parameters: literal (cast.analysers.mainframe.RealLiteral) – the node - @type literal:cast.analyzer.mainframe.RealLiteral
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha2.
- start_boolean_literal(literal)¶
Parameters: literal (cast.analysers.mainframe.BooleanLiteral) – the node @type literal:cast.analyzer.mainframe.BooleanLiteral
- end_boolean_literal(literal)¶
Parameters: literal (cast.analysers.mainframe.BooleanLiteral) – the node @type literal:cast.analyzer.mainframe.BooleanLiteral
- start_identifier(identifier)¶
Parameters: identifier (cast.analysers.mainframe.Identifier) – the node @type identifier:cast.analyzer.mainframe.Identifier
- end_identifier(identifier)¶
Parameters: identifier (cast.analysers.mainframe.Identifier) – the node @type identifier:cast.analyzer.mainframe.Identifier
- start_array_access(expression)¶
Parameters: expression (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type expression:cast.analyzer.mainframe.Node
A(I) First child is A and second child is I.
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- end_array_access(expression)¶
Parameters: expression (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type expression:cast.analyzer.mainframe.Node
A(I) First child is A and second child is I.
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- start_position_length(expression)¶
Parameters: expression (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type expression:cast.analyzer.mainframe.Node
First child is A, second child I and third child is 3.
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- end_position_length(expression)¶
Parameters: expression (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type expression:cast.analyzer.mainframe.Node
First child is A, second child I and third child is 3.
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- start_arithmetic_expression(expression)¶
Parameters: expression (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type expression:cast.analyzer.mainframe.Node
get_name() will give ‘+’, ‘-‘, ‘*’, ‘/’, ‘**’
- end_arithmetic_expression(expression)¶
Parameters: expression (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type identifier:cast.analyzer.mainframe.Node
- start_relation_condition(expression)¶
Parameters: expression (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type identifier:cast.analyzer.mainframe.Node
get_name() will give ‘=’, ‘<’, ‘>’, ‘<=’, ‘>=’, ‘EQUAL’, etc...
- end_relation_condition(expression)¶
Parameters: expression (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type identifier:cast.analyzer.mainframe.Node
- start_logical_expression(expression)¶
Parameters: expression (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type identifier:cast.analyzer.mainframe.Node
get_name() will give ‘AND’, ‘OR’, ‘NOT’
- end_logical_expression(expression)¶
Parameters: expression (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type identifier:cast.analyzer.mainframe.Node
- start_other(other)¶
OTHER expression in a WHEN OTHER
Parameters: other (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type other:cast.analyzer.mainframe.Node
- end_other(other)¶
OTHER expression in a WHEN OTHER
Parameters: other (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type other:cast.analyzer.mainframe.Node
- start_address_of(node)¶
ADDRESS OF ... clause.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha3.
- end_address_of(node)¶
ADDRESS OF ... clause.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha3.
- start_length_of(node)¶
LENGTH OF ... clause.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha3.
- end_length_of(node)¶
LENGTH OF ... clause.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha3.
- start_function_call(node)¶
FUNCTION ... clause.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.7-funcrel: From version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha2 function name is available through node.get_name()
- end_function_call(node)¶
FUNCTION ... clause.
Parameters: node (cast.analysers.mainframe.Node) – the node @type node:Node
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.7-funcrel.
Specific objects¶
Some objects are saved in the knowledge base and some are not.
- class cast.analysers.mainframe.SavedObject¶
A COBOL element that is saved in the knowledge base.
- get_position_without_header()¶
Get the position of an object without header comments.
Return type: cast.analysers.Bookmark @rtype: cast.analysers.Bookmark
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.1-funcrel.
- is_debug()¶
True if statement starts on a debug line.
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.3-funcrel.
For :
- COBOL Program
- COBOL Section
- COBOL Paragraph
- class cast.analysers.mainframe.UnsavedObject¶
A COBOL element that is not saved in the knowledge base. For example: - AST nodes for statements - data when option Save Data is False - Section/Paragraph when option Save Section Paragraph is False
- get_name()¶
Get the object name
Return type: str @rtype: str
- get_fullname()¶
Get the object fullname
Return type: str @rtype: string
- get_children()¶
Get the children
Return type: list of cast.analysers.mainframe.UnsavedObject @rtype: [cast.analysers.mainframe.UnsavedObject]
- get_position()¶
Get the position of an object.
Includes lines of header comments for objects fd, sd, data, division, section and procedure.
Return type: cast.analysers.Bookmark @rtype: cast.analysers.Bookmark
- get_positions()¶
Get the positions of an object
Return type: list of cast.analysers.Bookmark @rtype: [cast.analysers.Bookmark]
- get_position_without_header()¶
Get the position of an object without header comments.
Return type: cast.analysers.Bookmark @rtype: cast.analysers.Bookmark
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.1-funcrel.
- get_typename()¶
Returns the name of the metamodel type of the object.
Return type: str
- get_kind()¶
Returns the kind of the object.
Return type: str
- is_statement()¶
Return True when this is an AST node of a statement.
Return type: bool
- get_sub_nodes(kind)¶
Get the list of descendant of a certain kind. Stops recursion on : - nodes of that kind - nodes that are statements
Return type: list of cast.analysers.mainframe.UnsavedObject @rtype: [cast.analysers.mainframe.UnsavedObject]
- get_parent()¶
Access to parent.
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- is_debug()¶
True if statement starts on a debug line.
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.3-funcrel.
Data have a special API to access specific information such as PIC, OCCURS, ...
Depending on the analysis options, data can be saved or not.
- class cast.analysers.mainframe.SavedData¶
A COBOL data element that is saved.
- get_level()¶
Return the level of the data. For example
01 VAR PIC X(10). --> 1
Return type: int New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha3.
- get_picture()¶
Return the PICTURE value of the data. For example
01 VAR PIC X(10). --> "X(10)"
Return type: str
- get_usage()¶
Return the USAGE value of the data. For example
01 VAR PIC X(10) DISPLAY. --> "DISPLAY" 01 VAR PIC X(10) COMP. --> "COMPUTATIONAL" 01 VAR PIC X(10). --> ""
Possible values :
- “”
Return type: str
- get_sharing()¶
Return the sharing value of the data. For example
Return type: str
- get_occurs_from()¶
Return the OCCURS value of the data. For example
01 VAR PIC X(10) OCCURS 10. --> 10 01 VAR PIC X(10) OCCURS 10 TO 20. --> 10
Return type: int or None
- get_occurs_to()¶
Return the OCCURS TO value of the data. For example
01 VAR PIC X(10) OCCURS 10. --> None 01 VAR PIC X(10) OCCURS 10 TO 20. --> 20 01 VAR PIC X(10) OCCURS 10 TO UNBOUNDED DEPENDING ON VAR2. --> -1
Return type: int or None
- is_condition_name()¶
Returns True if data is a CONDITION NAME, i.e., a level 88. For example
01 VAR PIC X. --> False 01 A PIC X. --> False 88 B VALUE 'A'. --> True
- is_constant()¶
Returns True if data is a constant, i.e., a level 78. For example
01 VAR PIC X. --> False 78 C VALUE 'A'. --> True
- is_synchronized()¶
Returns True if data is SYNCHRONIZED. For example
01 VAR PIC X. --> False 78 C VALUE 'A' SYNCHRONIZED. --> True
- is_volatile()¶
Retuns True if data is VOLATILE
For example
01 VAR PIC X. --> False 78 C VALUE 'A' VOLATILE. --> True
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- is_data()¶
Retuns True
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- is_index()¶
Retuns False
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- is_file_description()¶
Retuns False
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- is_sort_description()¶
Retuns False
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- class cast.analysers.mainframe.UnsavedData¶
A COBOL data element that is not saved.
- get_level()¶
Return the level of the data. For example
01 VAR PIC X(10). --> 1
Return type: int New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha3.
- get_picture()¶
Return the PICTURE value of the data. For example
01 VAR PIC X(10). --> "X(10)"
Return type: str
- get_usage()¶
Return the USAGE value of the data. For example
01 VAR PIC X(10) DISPLAY. --> "DISPLAY" 01 VAR PIC X(10) COMP. --> "COMPUTATIONAL" 01 VAR PIC X(10). --> ""
Possible values :
- “”
Return type: str
- get_sharing()¶
Return the sharing value of the data. For example :/
01 VAR PIC X(10) EXTERNAL. –> “EXTERNAL” 01 VAR PIC X(10) GLOBAL. –> “GLOBAL”Return type: str
- get_occurs_from()¶
Return the OCCURS value of the data. For example
01 VAR PIC X(10) OCCURS 10. --> 10 01 VAR PIC X(10) OCCURS 10 TO 20. --> 10
Return type: int or None
- get_occurs_to()¶
Return the OCCURS TO value of the data. For example
01 VAR PIC X(10) OCCURS 10. --> None 01 VAR PIC X(10) OCCURS 10 TO 20. --> 20 01 VAR PIC X(10) OCCURS 10 TO UNBOUNDED DEPENDING ON VAR2. --> -1
Return type: int or None
- is_condition_name()¶
Returns True if data is a CONDITION NAME, i.e., a level 88. For example
01 VAR PIC X. --> False 01 A PIC X. --> False 88 B VALUE 'A'. --> True
- is_constant()¶
Returns True if data is a constant, i.e., a level 78. For example
01 VAR PIC X. --> False 78 C VALUE 'A'. --> True
- is_synchronized()¶
Returns True if data is SYNCHRONIZED. For example
01 VAR PIC X. --> False 78 C VALUE 'A' SYNCHRONIZED. --> True
- is_volatile()¶
Retuns True if data is VOLATILE
For example
01 VAR PIC X. --> False 78 C VALUE 'A' VOLATILE. --> True
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- is_data()¶
Retuns True
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- is_index()¶
Retuns False
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- is_file_description()¶
Retuns False
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- is_sort_description()¶
Retuns False
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
Index have their own type
- class cast.analysers.mainframe.Index¶
A COBOL Index.
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha3.
- is_data()¶
Retuns False
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- is_index()¶
Retuns True
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- is_file_description()¶
Retuns False
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- is_sort_description()¶
Retuns False
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
FD objects.
- class cast.analysers.mainframe.SavedFileDescription¶
- is_data()¶
Retuns False
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- is_index()¶
Retuns False
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- is_file_description()¶
Retuns True
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- is_sort_description()¶
Retuns False
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- class cast.analysers.mainframe.UnsavedFileDescription¶
- is_data()¶
Retuns False
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- is_index()¶
Retuns False
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- is_file_description()¶
Retuns True
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- is_sort_description()¶
Retuns False
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
SD objects.
- class cast.analysers.mainframe.SavedSortDescription¶
- is_data()¶
Retuns False
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- is_index()¶
Retuns False
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- is_file_description()¶
Retuns False
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- is_sort_description()¶
Retuns True
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- class cast.analysers.mainframe.UnsavedSortDescription¶
- is_data()¶
Retuns False
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- is_index()¶
Retuns False
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- is_file_description()¶
Retuns False
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
- is_sort_description()¶
Retuns True
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
AST Node types¶
The generic node
- class cast.analysers.mainframe.Node¶
Bases: cast.analysers.mainframe.UnsavedObject
Generic node for AST.
- has_explicit_end()¶
True when statement is closed by an explicit END XXX
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.0-alpha2.
- has_then()¶
True for a THEN REPLACING clause.
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.0.19-funcrel.
Variable identifier represent usage of a data inside the code. Those identifiers are resolved to the data declaration. When the data is unresolved, the resolution returns an empty list. In normal case it return a list with the data resolved, and when the data is ambiguous, it returns all possible data.
- class cast.analysers.mainframe.Identifier¶
Bases: cast.analysers.mainframe.UnsavedObject
An identifier of a data inside the AST.
For example
MOVE "FOO" to VAR. ---
- get_value()¶
Return the list of possible values of data it points to. Generally, the value is the default value of data. In some case, the runtime value is calculated, for example Identifier in a CALL statement. The runtime value for Identifier in conditional expressions can be calculated when using activate_evaluation_in_conditional in start_analysis (may increase runtime significantly): def start_analysis(self):
mainframe.activate_evaluation_in_conditional()New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.4.4-funcrel.
- get_resolved_datas()¶
Returns the list of data/index/fd/sd it points to, generally only one value. For example
01 VAR PIC X. <-- the data ... MOVE "FOO" TO VAR. <-- the identifier
- cast.analysers.mainframe.activate_evaluation_in_conditional()¶
Use Inference Engine to evaluate Identifier in conditional expression May increase runtime significantly
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.4.4-funcrel.
- class cast.analysers.mainframe.CompilationVariable¶
Bases: cast.analysers.mainframe.UnsavedObject
A COBOL Compilation Variable.
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha3.
- is_data()¶
Retuns False
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha3.
- is_index()¶
Retuns False
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha3.
- is_file_description()¶
Retuns False
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha3.
- is_sort_description()¶
Retuns False
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha3.
- is_compilation_variable()¶
Retuns True
New in version com.castsoftware.mainframe.1.3.0-alpha3.
Procedure identifier represent a usage of a section or paragraph name in the code. Those are resolved.
- class cast.analysers.mainframe.ProcedureName¶
Bases: cast.analysers.mainframe.UnsavedObject
An identifier of a section or paragraph inside the AST.
For example
GO TO PARA1. -----
- get_resolved_procedures()¶
Returns the list of sections/paragraphs it points to, generally only one. For example
PARA1. <-- the paragraph ... GO TO PARA1. <-- the procedure name
- class cast.analysers.mainframe.StringLiteral¶
Bases: cast.analysers.mainframe.UnsavedObject
A string literal in an AST.
For example
MOVE "FOO" to VAR. -----
- get_value()¶
Return the string value.
Return type: str
- class cast.analysers.mainframe.IntegerLiteral¶
Bases: cast.analysers.mainframe.UnsavedObject
An integer literal in an AST.
For example
MOVE 1 to VAR. -
- get_value()¶
Return the integer value.
Return type: int
- class cast.analysers.mainframe.BooleanLiteral¶
Bases: cast.analysers.mainframe.UnsavedObject
An boolean literal in an AST.
For example
- get_value()¶
Return the boolean value.
Return type: bool
- class cast.analysers.mainframe.RealLiteral¶
Bases: cast.analysers.mainframe.UnsavedObject
A real literal in an AST.
For example
MOVE -3.4 to VAR. -
- get_value()¶
Return the real value.
Return type: float
Figurative constants come into those classes and the method get_name() will give the constant. get_value() will give the interpreted value.
Writing tests¶
Use :
- class cast.analysers.test.MainframeTestAnalysis
Bases: cast.analysers.test.TestAnalysis
Specialised case for Mainframe Analyser.
Simplest way of use is :
analysis = MainframeTestAnalysis()
analysis.add_selection(‘path to my php code’)
- set_cics_extensions(extensions)
Indicate the file extensions for CICS default values is “.csd;.bms”
- set_cobol_extensions(extensions)
Indicate the file extensions for COBOL default values is “.cob;.cpy”
- set_ims_extensions(extensions)
Indicate the file extensions for IMS default values is “.psb;.dbd”
- set_jcl_extensions(extensions)
Indicate the file extensions for JCL default values is “.jcl;.prc”
- set_keep_end_of_line()
By default, end of lines are truncated. Call this to keep end of line
- set_mainframe_environment()
By default, we are not in mainframe environment (program names truncated to 8 chars) Call this to change to mainframe_environment.
- set_cobol_tabulation_length(length)
Default is 4.
- set_starting_column(length)
Default is 7.
Sample of a test
import unittest
from cast.analysers.test import MainframeTestAnalysis
class Test(unittest.TestCase):
def test_ok1(self):
analysis = MainframeTestAnalysis()
program = analysis.get_object_by_name('PGM1', 'CAST_COBOL_SavedProgram')
self.assertFalse(analysis.get_violations(program, 'CAST_COBOL_SavedProgram.useBinaryForDepending'))
if __name__ == '__main__':
You need to add a dependency to the folder containing com.castsoftaware.mainframe, for example
For that you need to have downloaded the extension through CAST ExtensionDowloader: see
Categories and types for quality rules¶
For adding a quality rule on
- COBOL programs: Category CAST_MetricAssistant_WithMetrics_Cobol
- COBOL Copybook: Type CAST_COBOL_Copybook
Quality rule scopes¶
Existing quality rule scopes are :
100 | COBOL programs |
110 | COBOL programs that contains EXEC CICS Macros |
120 | COBOL programs that contains EXEC SQL |
140 | COBOL Copybooks |
Mainframe technologies¶
Values for technology to be used in IMPLTechnologies.xml for filter value
Cobol | -4 |