Creating a plugin

A plugin is a folder :

  • that is located in CAST_PLUGINS_ROOT_PATH whose default value is :
    • <CAIP Installation Directory>\CustomPlugins for versions < 8.0.0
    • %ALLUSERSPROFILE%/CAST/CAST/Extensions for versions >= 8.0.0
  • that may contains python files that declare a class inheriting from cast.Extension

Those plugins are meant to be self sufficient. They can contain :

  • metamodel files,
  • installation scripts,
  • assessment models fragments,
  • any thing that will make them a coherent whole.

Plugins are identified by the name of their folder.

There exist 2 ways of running python code :

  • running during analysis of a particular analyser
  • running at the end of analysis on the application

Those 2 ways can be used together in the same plugin.

Plugin naming convention

The folder name of a plugin is its identity so it should be unique. We follow the same conventions as Java does.

For example, CAST R&D may use such ids:


Plugin versionning

To describe version and plugin add a plugin.nuspec file to the plugin folder with following content

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<package xmlns="">
        <title>Title of your extension</title>
        <description>This is the description of the extension</description>

Version should follow Semantic Versioning conventions.

We use nuspec convention and file for packaging.

Plugin content organisation

Plugin folder will have the following organisation:
│   └───<something>.exe
│   └───Languages
│       └───<a name>
│            ├───res
│            │   └───<xxx>.ico
│            ├───<xxxCastMetrics>.xml
│            ├───<xxxMetaModel>.xml
│            └───<xxxLanguagePattern>.xml
│   ├───CastStorageService
│   │   ├───local.sql
│   │   └───local.pck
│   ├───Common
│   ├───Oracle
│   └───SqlServer
│   ├───<xxx>.jar
│   ├───
│   └───<test_xxx>.py
│   └───

Most of those are optional. Use them when needed only.

  • plugin.nuspec

    contains the nuspec description of the plugin (version, description, ...)

  • <file>.py

    a file with that contains python extension code.

  • Configuration

    contains the metamodel if you need a metamodel fragment

  • InstallScripts

    contains the pck, xml and sql files needed or servman if you need to add custom quality rules

  • bin

    contains the external binaries needed

  • tests is a python Package that contains automatic tests

  • <a_library>

    a third party python library included direclty in the plugin to be used. You can include any third party library in that way.

Metamodel conventions

Metamodel included in plugins should respect the ID assignment scheme.